In England, providers will carry out a self-evaluation and gap analysis in relation to the principles of the KE concordat in the context of their own published institutional strategic objectives relevant to KE. 

Guidance on how HEPs could complete their self-evaluation will be published on the portal. This guidance is not a ‘one-size fits all’ approach but rather a possible tool for conducting a self-evaluation. This exercise will feed into the completion of an action plan, with the final deadline of submission being 31st July 2021. Institutions are welcome to submit their completed action plan from 1st May 2021.

The action plans will be examined by an England-wide evaluation panel and feedback will be given, focusing on the ambition of the action plan in relation to the institution’s KE priorities and strategic vision. For the Development Year, the feedback will be confidential and the action plans will not be published.

At the end of the development year, a sector-wide anonymised review of the action plans will be published, highlighting good practice and recommendations.