About the KE Concordat
What is knowledge exchange (KE)?
What is the concordat? What is it trying to accomplish?
What is the purpose of the development year and how will it work?
What will institutions be asked to do to show they are delivering against principles in the concordat?
Is the concordat relevant to my institution?
Is the concordat relevant to my role?
My higher education provider is interested in taking part in the concordat. How do we get involved?
How are this concordat and the other concordats used in the higher education sector related?
What happens if my higher education provider decides not to engage with the concordat?
My higher education provider does not receive HEIF funding. Should we engage with the concordat?
Is the concordat linked to KE funding?
How are stakeholders, beneficiaries and partners of higher education knowledge exchange being engaged?
What forums and events are there to discuss the concordat?
How can I inform the development of the concordat?
How can I stay informed of any updates?
Where can I find out about the high-level implementation plan?
How do I sign up to the KE concordat?
What is expected of me as a higher education provider if I sign up to participate in the development year?
What is expected of me as a higher education provider if I sign up to the principles only?
What do I need to do to complete my action plan?
How do I submit my action plan?
Who do I contact if I have an issue?