The KE concordat has been created to facilitate the development, enhancement and transparency of the wide range of knowledge exchange activities performed by universities and other providers of higher education and research (HEPs) and support the partnerships integral to success. It is being implemented by the sector for the sector, recognising that autonomous higher education providers play a critical role in KE policy and practice. It is developed with the recognition of the needs of relevant external partners, government and funders, and implementation is supported by the UK higher education funding bodies (UK HEFBs).

 The concordat is designed to:

  •  give universities, other higher education providers and research institutions, along with their staff and students, a clarity of mission and support for the KE activities they perform
  • give partners an accurate representation of the approach that individual organisations are taking to KE
  • provide clear indicators of their approaches to performance improvement
  • encourage organisations to work together to strengthen KE practices across the sector and to deliver KE when appropriate
  • give governing bodies and governments broad confidence in the activity that is taking place

 The concordat sets out possible routes to good practice in processes and approaches that would enable universities to fulfill a KE role whether across the whole spread of their disciplines or for specific activities and relationships.